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Achilles Lykourgos-


Next in line to be alpha of the Lykourgos pack in Florida. Also known as Kill and is currently 17. His best friend, Fiona Love doesn’t know he’s a werewolf. His other best friend is his cousin, Hector. Kill is a punk kid who has a strong belief in anarchy and freedom with an aversion to traditions that he finds serves no purpose. This is why he is constantly arguing with his father, current alpha of the pack, Evander. Though he hates following traditions, he continues to do his best at learning to lead the pack. Kill is known for his sense of humor, loyalty to his friends and aggressive disposition when taking up for his friends.

Bianca Blackwood-


Bianca was a housewife to an abusive Engineer. She was turned by Michael Vyncent when she was seventeen years old in 1821. She became infatuated with horror and dark entertainment and opened up her own Gothic nightclub. Because of her past physical, emotional and sexual abuse from her husband, she targets abusers, rapists, and violent men and kills them. Her best friend is Lenore who designs gothic style clothing for her company. Her other best friend is Kacia who frequents the goth club and writes as a hobby.

Ceneric Wise-


Ceneric was a Saxon Thegn. This title was transformed into knight later on. He was turned in 768 by Stearc at the age of 19. He ended up killing his wife and child due to a fledglings inability to control their appetites. He continues to serve the Saxon vampire king who created him and rules Columbus, Ohio. His ruthless past has given him a cruel reputation and everyone knows him as Herehund (war or battle hound) because of his vicious nature. He met Bianca Blackwood in the early 1900’s and they continue their friendship through their love of all things Gothic. Meeting Biacna’s friend, Lenore, he falls in love for the first time since his deceiced wife. He is known as a Cassanova and has a romantic and serious personality.

Fiona Love -


Human 17 year old female outcast and best friends with Achilles Lykourgos. Fiona is depressed most of the time because she feels out of place and is constantly harassed by others. She is in love with her best friend, Achilles, but doesn’t share her feelings because they have been friends for so long. She doesn’t know he’s a werewolf and she’s about to get dragged into his supernatural problems.

Collin McCoy-


Recently turned by Michael Vyncent at the age of 18. He left his family to be with Michael. Collin’s cancer has accelerated the turning process and he has developed vampiric powers quicker than any known vampire. Collin has to get used to the ways of vampire society and the open and excessive sexuality of their nature.

Phillip Warner-


Human computer hacker who works for the vampires. Betrayed by his friends, he has quickly become a loner which just made him the perfect target for the werewolves. Phil is constantly stuck between a rock and a hard place. When he finds a girlfriend, even she is yet another problem.

Marcus Cassius Valentinus-


Marcus was a Roman Legitus Legionus and was turned in 144 BC at the age of 29 by Birdu. Birdu was his lover and left him which the reason for has remained a secret that no one else knows. Marcus turned his brother, Titus who was a Roman politician. Marcus is the vampire king of New York and his brother rules Chicago. Marcus is known for his smart ass nature and cocky personality, but he is actually very helpful and compassionate to those he loves. He is blunt and is not afraid to forget social norms to get his point across. The 2 miliniums of unlife have finally gotten to him and he is experiencing boredom and dissappointment with his life.


Lenore (Bethany Potter) -


Moved from a small town in North Carolina to New Orleans. She is a witch and a gothic clothing designer for her best friend, Bianca’s company. She’s fallen in love with Ceneric, but does she have what it takes to survive his supernatural world? Full of mettle she didn’t know she had and enduring what she shouldn’t have to, she finds out just who she really is and what she is destined for.

Michael Vyncent -


An English soldier turned in 1359 at the age of 20 by a powerful witch named Aithne. Aithne has learned of powers secret to the world through her exploration of rituals. Michael, Marcus and Aithne had a triad relationship for a time until Marcus left. Michael turned Bianca in the 1800’s after Aithne had left him. Bianca nd Michael’s relationship has always been rocky, on again off again. He recently turned Collin whom he had fallen in love with. Michael is a hopeless romantic and can’t stand it when he has made someone unhappy. Extremely full of moral fiber, Michael always tries to do the right thing.

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